
Monday, June 20, 2016

A Study of Dhammakaya in Mahayana Buddhism


 According Mahayana Buddhist tradition, the Buddha has three bodies or three aspects of personality, they are; Dhammakaya, Sambhogakaya and Nirmanakaya. If we study Early Buddhism, we cannot find the theory of three bodies or trikaya but we can find Dhammakaya and Rupakaya concept in the early Buddhism, we cannot find sambhogakaya or the body of reward or enjoyment. The three body doctrine indicates that all Buddha were described and combined in three ways. The Buddha appeared in human world in order to give Dhamma which is for the benefit all suffering beings and the teaching guided human beings how to eradicate suffering. By trying to understand the three body of the Buddha, one can realize and perceive the true nature of all Buddha. And in the early Buddhist teaching that we can notice about only two Kaya that the Buddha possessed: 1. Dhammakaya which can be explained as the Buddha had human identity with all types of human weakness such as physical sickness and face with all kinds of challenges. 2 the second one is considered as rupakaya superhuman which possessed of thirty-two marks of a great man and six kinds of supernormal knowledge. In this essay paper, I am going to discuss only one body which is Dhammakaya out of three and I will also describe the characteristic of Dhammakaya according to Mahayana Buddhism.