
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Summary of Christianity

Christianity is one of the monotheistic religion and has proved to be the most influential and has dominated a large population of the world, especially in western world. The Jesus is prophet of Christianity and he is Jew and was born from virgin mother Mary. Although he came from Jewish family, he was trying to cleanse Judaism of the rubbish which clustered around it in course of time. He himself repeatedly asserted that he had come not to destroy but to fulfill the law and the prophets
Jesus is treated variously in Christianity. He is so often regarded by the Christians as the son of God.
Basic features of Christianity as a religion
1 it is a monotheistic religion. 2 God is the nature of a person  and he is nature of pure spirit. 3 He is three in one, God the father, God the son, and Holy Spirit. 4 Jesus is the founder of this religion and regarded as the son of God. 5 God is of the nature of a loving father. 6 God is creator, sustainer and destroyer of the world. 7 Man is created by God, 8 the God sent Jesus on earth to educate people on proper lines. 9 True religion consists in nothing but loving God. 10 redemption or liberation is ultimately the fruit of God’s grace. 11 Christianity believes in immortality of soul. 12 Hell is eternal damnation and heaven is the symbol of eternal immortal life. 13 Christianity believes in heavenly angels both good and bad, the Satan is the chief evil angel.
Christianity believes in only one supreme God. The god is unlimited, infinite, omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient. The god loves his people unconditionally. He is like a loving father who loves his children without any precondition, contract or sense of return. God has painted as three persons into one. Three persons are God the father, God the son, and the Holy Spirit.
The world is quite definitely and unequivocally God’s creation. God created the world. the world is not only created by God but is also sustained and maintained by him. The world is absolutely dependent upon God for its maintenance. It is created in time and it may end at any time according to God’s will.
According to the Genesis, God created man in his own image on the final day of creation. God gave everything to man insight, intelligence, sensitively and all other such qualities. Death of the body is not the death of soul. It is immortal.
Christians are committed officially to a very high belief in the potential greatness of man. He is a little lower than God, and he is made in the image of following the teaching of Jesus, man can get rid of suffering. Love is the basic lesson the Christianity teaches man. It is by love and love alone than man can attain his redemption.
Evil and Suffering
Christian God being essentially kind and loving, no less than a loving father, the existence of suffering in the world poses a very serious challenge to Christianity. When god loves his creatures as a father loves his children and he is also all powerful. In the old testament, Satan appears not as an independent embodiment of evil but as a member of the heavenly court whose job is to provoke people towards evil and inflict suffering on. Jesus had to suffer but ultimately he was triumphant. The triumph is well symbolized in the resurrection of Christ. Christian approach to suffering makes Satan on the one hand man himself on the other to be directly responsible for evil, but God has allowed it without interference with a moral purpose of the ultimate good of man.
Life after Death
As the soul in the man is immortal, death is not the total and final end of man. There is an after-life too. Resurrection of the dead and the assignment of heaven and hell to people in accordance with their good or bad deeds on earth. When the world comes to its final end, there is resurrection of the dead. In this resurrection, souls of all men are reunited with their bodies and again come in the fullness of their nature. The end of the world will mark the arrival of the final day of judgment. On this day of judgment all souls united with their bodies will be brought before God for the final assessment of the value of their deeds done by them during their earthy lives.
Human destiny
Salvation, Immortality, Life eternal, and Redemption are the words of often used in Christianity to denote the nature of man’s ultimate destiny. Man’s ultimate destiny consists in getting rid of this present status and attaining to a status which may be called a status of life eternal or that of immortality. Christian belief in the reality of heaven and hell leads one to believe that the kingdom of God really lies in heaven, a realm beyond this world. Man is free from all sin and suffering and enjoys perfect peace and joy in fellowship with god. This is called eternal or immortal life. Attaining immorality is the destiny of man’s life.
Ethics and prayer
Christianity is a religion of redemption from a life of sin and suffering. Jesus Christ, the founder of the religion is regarded as the redeemer of man. Love, humility, and suffering for the sake of others as well as the sake of soul instead of flesh are the basic moral virtues that Christianity teaches to its followers. The suffering of Christ on the cross is really a symbol of suffering for the sake of the spirit. A primarily ethical life of love that is essentially required of every Christian, Christianity also prescribes and believes in the efficacy of prayers to God in so far as man’s redemption is concerned.
Principal Sects
Broadly speaking, Christians are divided into two sects Catholics and the Protestants. The two are divided mainly on the question of the authority of the church. The former believe that the church is the representative of God on earth and that God reveals his truth through it. Bible is the only sure source of Christian faith and practice and the only the authority of the Bible is to be accepted.  And anyone who is validly baptized and is a member of the Holy Catholic Church is known as a Catholic. But Catholic Church is divided into Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodoxy.
Protestants also, there are various groups or sects. There are Lutherians, Calvinists, Presytarians, Anglicans, so on. There are many more groupings and regroupings within modern Christianity.

Source: Comparative religions class take note....


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