After reading the hand out that the teacher distributes for all students about Jainism, I notice that
Jainism is very similar to Buddhism , just differ some idea and some concepts .
Load Mahavira is regarded as the founder of Jain religion.
Actually there are twenty three religious teachers in Jainism.
Mahavira who lived for the life of household but later
become a wandering ascetic in search of the light of real knowledge. After
fourteen years of ascetic life, he had gained enlightenment and then he develop
his life in preaching for human liberation.
Mahavira preached non theistic religion for moral
Basic features of Jainism as
a religion
1 it is an atheistic religion, don’t believe in god. 1
but believe in godhood and it is a religion of moral and spiritual purity. 3
the world is a function of six eternally existing substance, five material and
the one spiritual. 4 Man’s soul is potentially perfect and capable of
attainting infinite power. 5 Jainism believe in a life after death. 6 Jainism
believe that the present state of man is the state of bondage which is due to
his own karma. 7 Man suffer due to his own Karma. 8 Liberation can be attained
not by offering ritual gods but by following the path of three jewels right
faith, right knowledge and right conduct. 9 Jainism emphasize on the value of
moral conduct. 10 Jainism much extolls the life of the monk.
Jainism also does not believe in any God and the
concept of Jainism is man himself is God. Because man is potentially perfect.
And man is capable of attaining of infinite power, infinite knowledge, infinite
faith and infinite bliss.
In fact the world has not come into existence at a
definite moment of time. It tries to explain the material world by the help of
the following five substance ( Dravya) Dharma, ( Motion), Adharma ( Principle
of rest), Akasha ( Space), Kala ( Time) and Pudgala ( Matter)
In Jainism, man is the highest status and man is
capable of attainting infinitude, absolute perfection. And the soul in Man is
capable of attaining infinite power, infinite knowledge, infinite faith, and
infinite bliss. And also believe that one has to take another body after the
end of present body and the soul migrates to one body to another in accordance
with its Karma. Jainism also believe in the Law of Karma.
Evil and Suffering
Man suffers due to his own past Karma. Life in the
world is consequence of one’s past Karma and in a abroad sense coming to life
in the world. Both happy and miserable respectively due to the good and a bad
action performed by someone in his past life.
Life after death
The concept of this life after death is similar with
Hinduism that man has an immortal soul that believe the soul transmigrates into
a new body after the death immediately. And in Jainism there are reference of
being born in heaven or hell also. But that simply means being born in happy or
miserable conditions life.
Ultimate destiny
In Jainism, ultimate destiny of man is Moksha or
Kaivalya. Moksha in the real sense is possible only when the physical body is
destroyed and there is no possibility of the soul taking another body.
Negatively view, Moksha is complete cessation of birth and rebirth and of all
consequent suffering, and positively view, it is the attainment of a status of
absolute perfection and bliss.
Jaina discipline
Jainism teaches a threefold discipline that are as
follow – right faith, right knowledge, and right conduct.
Source: Class note
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